Sunday, May 3, 2009

Retouching Assignment

This is my friend Beth, who is my beautiful model for this assignment. This is actually my retouching assignment, not that there was a lot to retouch on her but just kind of treated this as a "senior" portrait kind of thing...I am pretty pleased with this photograph and I look forward to shooting more pictures of her!

High Contrast Black and White

These are the photographs that I converted into high contrast black and white for one of my assignments. Obviously these are from the Oklahoma Memorial....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Promotional Prints

Here is some of the Promotional Prints that I came up with for my far. I'm still working on more but I haven't finished them yet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Negative Scanning

The three above are revisions for this assignment....

These are for my film negative scanning assignment....I didn't exactly follow the assignment word for word so therefore there will be revisions coming soon.....

Shooting with RAW

This is outside lighting after correcting color and white balance....the before was a bit less saturated.

This is shot under florescent lighting and I adjusted the white balance in order to get rid of the green look that florescent lights gives off in pictures.

This is my daughter playing in the mirror with my makeup. I like the perspective and the depth of field on this picture a lot. This was for tungsten lighting but I corrected the white balance to get rid of the yellow color.

This is my best friend modeling for me. We both had a lot of fun doing these pictures. This is candle light (obviously). I barely corrected the white balance just a little bit because I wanted to keep the orange/yellow look from the candles.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Assignment #3- Product Photography

This is my wonderful brother who allows my daughter to play "dress up" with him so that explains the make up on his eyes. With this picture, I bounced light off a white wall to get that soft effect on his face.

This is a cool little figurine that I purchased from my place of employment! I wanted to use the red gels on the lights for the sunset effect. I'm happy for the most part of what I came up with although I am very critical of myself and I feel that I could have done better. I do enjoy playing around in the studio but I don't feel that I'm advanced enough to capture what I want in a limited time frame. I don't like being rushed :-/

Brinkley (Just for fun- for the time being)

This is Brinkley. He is my boyfriend's roommate's Boxer. He is very well behaved and I pretty much love him now! I'm not a huge dog person....don't get me wrong, I do like dogs, however, I prefer that they are trained and well behaved. :-) Brinkley is just wonderful with my daughter too! He just lets her drag him around everywhere! I decided to photograph Brink because my boyfriend's roommate has this black and white pic of him where his eyes are glowing and his head is chopped off so I decided to do better. I teased Brink with a treat in order to get him to obey which he did very well. There will definitely be more pics of Brinkley to come!